' James Monroe e a "Doutrina Monroe" - 02/12/1823 de ( registros) Wildcard SSL Certificates
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James Monroe e a "Doutrina Monroe"
2 de dezembro de 1823, terça-feira. Há 201 anos
“Devemos declarar, por amor da franqueza e das relações amigáveis que existem entre os Estados Unidos e aquelas potências (européias), que consideraremos qualquer tentativa da sua parte para estender o seu sistema a qualquer parte deste hemisfério como coisa tão perigosa para a nossa tranqüilidade como para a nossa segurança.

Com as colônias existentes e as dependências das mesmas potências, não temos intervindo nem interviremos. Em relação, porém, aos governos que declararam a sua independência e que a têm mantido, independência que, depois de grande reflexão e por justos princípios, nós reconhecemos, toda interferência, por parte de qualquer potência européia, com o fim de oprimi-los e de qualquer modo dominar os seusdestinos, não poderá ser encarada por nós senão como uma manifestação pouco amigável para com os Estados Unidos.” [0]Pictorial map of South America showing the continent being attacked by the governments and representatives of Germany, Italy and Japan, who are described as “fascist mobsters” with no regard for the 1823 Monroe Doctrine - a United States policy that opposed colonisation of both North and South America by the Europeans.Underneath the map, a description by the magazine authors:“Since Napoleon’s time, South America has been peculiarly susceptible to the example of government by dictatorship. So there is more truth to whimsy in the manner in which John Growth has animated the South American map. The path of power politics was long since paved by the American policy of dollar politics, as Uncle Sam has short-sightedly encouraged every dictatorial tendency in the Nether-Republics. What more natural, then, than to have the gangster governments move in? And if you doubt that they have, turn to “Facism’s New World Thrust” elsewhere in this issue. From the Pampas to Panama, the South American continent has become their stamping grounds as the fascist mobsters have muscled in, parcelling out in true gangster fashion the ‘protection’ of their big shots, Adolf the Enforcer, Benito the Black Bomber and “Gentleman” Hirota, the Yellow Kid. Thus is the way prepared for a New Spain in the New World. And when it happens their “non-intervention” will be no less bloody than in Old Spain, and they will as loudly praise the Monroe Doctrine over here as they now denounce “piracy” over there.This map was published in 1938 issue of Ken Magazine, a short-lived pictorial magazine with a left-leaning anti-Fascist slant. Ken Magazine was founded by David Smart and Arnold Gingrich, who also founded Esquire. (imagem)

South America under the Axis OR The Heil with the Monroe Doctrine
Data: 01/01/1938 1938
Créditos / Fonte: John Groth

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